Day 8 – Odessa to Perryton – Texas Fields & Farming (478 miles)

It was whirlwind tour through the Texas Plains Trail Region. This is definitely farm country. Having lived for five years in the panhandle when I was in part of elementary, junior high, and high school, I was prepared for the beauty of the farming communities that are so vital to the U.S. fuel, food, and fiber.

Remainder of a wheat field and a growing corn field with an irrigation system.

We traveled from Odessa through a number of small west Texas towns, including Andrews, Seminole, and Morton

We would have loved to have the time to visit the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge outside of Muleshoe but this was the longest day of traveling for us, not just because of the miles but because it was the longest day of the year, literally. Known for an influx of sandhill cranes at certain times of they year, we would love to have seen them this go around but hope to come back again for wildlife viewing.

Bailey County Courthouse in Muleshoe.

We headed to the town of Farwell, just over the railroad tracks from Texico, New Mexico. Interesting little place. We learned that before New Mexico became a state, a Mr. Farwell, the town’s namesake, a big boss from XIT Ranch saw that the ranch would be losing more than 962 square acres of land if the new state’s line was drawn. Being a friend of President Taft, he encouraged him to have the Texas state line corrected so that it didn’t line up with Oklahoma. You can take a look at a map and see for yourselves. Some in New Mexico have apparently been upset ever since.

Texas Marker outside of Farwell, TX and Texico, NM.

We traveled on through Bovina, Friona, and Hereford, spotting more farms and ranches along the way. We learned after the fact that Friona is the Cheeseburger Capitol of Texas. Sorry we missed out this time.

At the intersection of I-40 and Hwy. 385, Vega is part of historic Route 66.
Saw the impressive entryway to Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, founded in 1938.
Hartley County’s Quanah Parker Trail includes Channing and the XIT Ranch General Office Building.

We continued through Dalhart, Texline (the furthest point north west in the Texas panhandle, and Stratford.

We came across Tex as we were driving through Conlen. Had to snap a shot of him. Isn’t he the cutest?

Grain elevators of all shapes and sizes can be seen for miles across the plains.
We continued through Gruver and Spearman and arrived in Perryton. Unfortunately, Watonga Cheese Factory, the Wheatheart of the Nation, was closed so we couldn’t check out this great place established in 1940. Looking forward to our final leg of our nine-day quest across Texas.

Until next time from Texas … safe travels!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Stefanie Clevenger says:

    Too bad you didn’t get a taste of Buddy’s. My mother-n-law calls it “heart attack in a sack”!!!

    1. diannbayes says:

      We need to do it again, only slower. And in a bigger vehicle after eating that much. 😀

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